mrs. Dr.Nishma VM

  • Consultant Psychologist
  • Msc(Psychology), Mphil(Psychology) PhD
  • 1 year(s) of Experience
  • Registration No: APP6011

Nishma V M is an esteemed academician currently serving as an Assistant Professor, at the Department of Psychology, REVA University Banglore, India. Her prime focus of research is on areas like Subjective Well-being, Restorative Environments, Adolescent Mental Health, and social aspects of Human Behaviour. Nishma earned her B.Sc., M.Sc., and M.Phil., degree in Psychology and recently submitted her PhD. Thesis to Department of psychology, Pondicherry university. Her doctoral research attempted to combine relevant streams of Environmental and Positive Psychology. In addition, she engaged in a research project by UNICEF that documented the Malnutrition among Children in Attapadi, Palakkad, Kerala. As she engaged herself as a trainee/counsellor at three different hospitals (Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience, IQRAA International Hospital and Research Centre, and Sacred Hearts Hospital) in Kerala, India, she has practical expertise in de-addiction therapy, solution-focused therapy, family therapy, psychiatric counselling, and life skill training. Nishma’s PhD research resulted in publication in renowned journals, including a Scopus-indexed Q1 journal and two other publications.